Buy $MYH

Buy $MYH tokens and stake them to earn rewards and access to premium content in the MoneyHero academies. Learn more about the token and it's use cases here. Make sure to check out the roadmap as well. Buy on this page with your credit card or swap Tezos for $MYH directly on the exchange.

By using the tool below provided by our partner, you're buying XTZ  which will then be exchanged to $MYH. See instructions below regarding involved fees and alternatives!

How it works

You can now buy MoneyHero tokens with your credit card or debit card:

Sign up for a Tezos wallet. Kukai runs in your browser and is supported on all devices without installation.
Click here to open the Buy form and choose an amount to buy. Next, click on connect wallet and follow the instructions. KYC might be required depending on your nationality, geographic location and value of your order.
Choose an amount of tokens to buy, click connect wallet and follow the instructions. KYC might be required depending on your nationality, geographic location and value of your order.
Your order is handled by partners of MoneyHero who are responsible for transaction and offer support if you experience any issues. Use at your own risk. A fee of 5% is charged by the payment processor (your bank might charge additional fees). The exchange which handles your order charges a fee of 0.3%.
$MYH is a Tezos based token. Buy choosing to buy $MYH with your credit card, we will first buy $XTZ which is then exchanged to $MYH and sent to your wallet. In the unlikely case that exchanging $XTZ/$MYH isn't available, you will receive $XTZ in your wallet.
Swap XTZ to MYH directly here to save fees.

Common Questions (FAQ)

Reach out on telegram or email if your question isn't answered here!

Where can I monitor the price of $MYH?

The MoneyHero token is listed on Coingecko and nomics.

Live statistics are no longer available until the main exchange $MYH is listed on updates their exchange (which is beyond our control).

June 3, 2022

What is staking

When you stake your MoneyHero tokens they become locked for a certain amount of time. In exchange you receive rewards for stabilizing the project in form of $MYH and access to premium content from the MoneyHero academies.

November 27, 2021

What's the idea behind

No matter what educational institution you look at, financial education is not part of it.

Our goal is to bring financial education to all parts of society, especially to schools.

To make this work, we use financial intelligence and do what central banks around the world have been doing for centuries: We created our own community currency.

To find out more browse the different sections of this website. Start with the about section, find out what's coming by checking out the  roadmap or reading the whitepaper.

November 27, 2021

How can I buy Moneyhero ($MYH)?

The MoneyHero token is built on the Tezos Blockchain. We chose Tezos because it is truly decentralized, transparent, has low transaction fees and can therefore be considered the best alternative to the Ethereum Blockchain.

To buy MoneyHero tokens by exchanging crypto, get some $XTZ first.

  1. Follow these links to  buy Tezos $XTZ on Binance or on Coinbase.
  2. You need a wallet for Tezos with token support(!), e.g.  Temple Wallet or Kukai.
  3. Now  send your Tezos from the exchange to the address in your wallet
  4. Go to the website and connect your wallet
  5. Choose an amount you want to buy and exchange Tezos for MoneyHero ($MYH)

To buy MoneyHero tokens with your credit card, go to this page.

  1. Install a Tezos wallet with token support(!), e.g.  Temple Wallet or Kukai.
  2. Please read the information about fees charged for credit card purchase of $MYH before proceeding.
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen (KYC might be required depending on the your jurisdiction and the amount you're spending)

November 27, 2021

Can I trade Moneyhero ($MYH) already?

Yes. MoneyHero is available for trading on: Quipuswap.

June 3, 2022